

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Grade 5 Transition Field Trips Next Week on Monday, May 25 andThursday, May 28

Grade 5 Transition to Secondary next week

Next week all the Grade 5 students will have a transition day on the Secondary campus.
The students will come to Elementary in the morning of their transition day. We will mark the class roll and then bus the students across to the new campus.

The Grade 5 students that worked with Ms Melinda for Exhibition will spend Monday 25th May at Secondary. They will get the bus back to Elementary and will be back at normal pick up time. Some parents have elected to pick their child up from the Secondary campus at 2.00pm.

The Grade 5 students that worked with Ms Emily for Exhibition will spend Thursday 28th May at Secondary. They will be bussed back to Elementary and will be back at normal pick up time. Some parents have elected to pick their child up from the Secondary campus at 2.00pm.

What to bring on the day of transition?
Students need to bring a backpack with a water bottle, snack and lunch.
Please do not deliver lunch to the Elementary campus.
Students need to wear comfortable clothing and sports shoes.

Market Day Production

Students have been extremely busy in class for the past few days creating products, practicing services they might sell, and creating advertisements for these in order to get ready for Market Day on Wednesday, May 27.

As part of the build up to this market day, students formed "companies", created symbolic logos, created business plans, performed market research in order to determine demand for certain products and services, estimated costs, kept track of expenditures, and calculated prices needed in order to turn a profit.

In the process of this, Room 37 become unrecognizable at times...

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Marketplace Information, Permission Slip, and Request!

Two notices were sent home with your child and emailed to you this afternoon. Please make sure you read them and send them back to school ASAP.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Congratulations to all the Grade 5s for completing the Exhibition!

Congratulations to all the Grade 5 students on completing your exhibition presentations.

Also a big thank you to all the Grade 4 students who volunteered to help.

Here of some pictures of the 5's hard at work.

Grade 4 Assembly on Friday, April 24 at 7:45 AM on the Basketball Court

Dear parents and guardians of all Grade 4 students,

You are invited to come see the Grade 4 assembly, "The Express Factor", on Friday morning. The Grade 4 students will be rehearsing this week to bring you a series of presentations based on what they have learned in their last unit, "How We Express Ourselves".

Students in our class will be sharing knowledge of different art forms, commentaries on how artistic creation is influenced by the societies in which it exists, and personal responses to the arts, as well as some dancing, singing, and reading of individual poems!

Looking forward to seeing you there,

The Grade 4/5 teaching team

Switching Classes Again OR Back to Normal?

Dear parents and Grade 4/5 students of Room 37,

I hope that you all had a fantastic and refreshing holiday and Happy Khmer New Year!

Please remember that starting tomorrow, Monday, April 20, all Grade 4 and 5 students go back to their original classes.

This means that Grade 4 students who were with me just for the past unit go back to their original class schedules with their original class teachers.

This also means that Grade 5 students who were originally with me begin our class schedule again.

Here is a reminder of what that means:

Monday: PE
Tuesday: Art and PE
Wednesday: Music
Thursday: Swimming and Library

Thank you,

Mr. Jon

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Jumble Sale 2015...the Final Collection!!!

Ms. Belinda Jones will be collecting items for the ISPP 25 Year Anniversary Jumble Sale at the Street 370 gate on Friday, April 9 from 7:10 until 7:35am.

Monday, April 6, 2015

ISPP's Got Talent 2!

ISSP’s Got Talent Show

The ISPP Reps will be holding their first Talent Show on Friday 29 May for Grades2-5. We would like to showcase the talents of the elementary students and providean opportunity for them to take a risk and perform in front of a bigger audience.

To audition for the show students will need to sign up.  Sign-up sheets will be located outside Mr. Jon, Ms Emily and Ms. Claire’s rooms after Khmer New Year. The ISPP Reps will notify your teachers of your child’s audition time on Friday 1 May. Auditions will be held in the week beginning May 4.

If your child can sing, dance, act, do magic tricks or is a budding comedian encourage them to sign up as a solo act or with a few friends to audition. Acts must be no longer than three minutes and may have up to, but not more than six people.

This information has been shared with all students in Grades 2-5. If you have any other questions please talk to your class representatives, Ms. Leigh,

Ms. Alison or Ms. Emily.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Thank You to Our Four Visiting Artists from Phnom Penh Society!

As part of our current unit based on the theme "How We Express Ourselves", students have been inquiring into how artists are influenced by the society in which they create.

Students have had the opportunity to meet with four fantastic and dedicated artists so far, Mr. David Holliday, Mrs. Mia Jordanwood, Ms. Dina Chhan, and Mr. Stephen Bimson.

The Grade 4 team would like to thank all these artists for spending their valuable time chatting with, answering questions from, and teaching our students about their own art forms.


See more photos from our class here!

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Up and Coming this Week (March 30 - April 3) in Room 37

Welcome back from a refreshing weekend everyone!

Here are a few things to look forward to this week in Room 37:

Field Trip

On Monday morning at 9:45, grade 4 students will make a short field trip to secondary in order to view the artworks of the Diploma Art students. Grade 4 students will fill out response sheets about different works of art that they see. They will also ask the Diploma Art students how society has influenced their creations.

As we will miss morning break at elementary as a result of this trip, please send your child to school on Monday morning with a snack, as he/she will not be able to purchase one on this day. 


This week we will be adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators before beginning a study of adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators using the ideas about renaming and finding fractions with common units from last week.

Unit of Inquiry / Language Arts

This week during reading workshop, students are developing their proficiency with the reading strategy of visualisation. They will begin the week by investigating how descriptive language causes them to visualise images and scenes from texts that they are reading. During class, they will pick a descriptive passage from "Charlotte's Web" and sketch a scene based on what the text describes. This also connects to a weekly homework assignment that students had last week, in which they had to similarly pick a descriptive passage in the book they were reading and sketch it.

In writing workshop, students will be finishing drafting and publishing descriptive sensory poems about their bedrooms and school places. Students will publish these poems on photo collages they will be making by using Picmonkey.

Student Led Conferences on Friday, April 3 (No class for students)

Students will be discussing their learning with you while guiding you through their blog/portfolio. Your child will also take you to his/her specialist classes to share work from there. If you are unsure of your scheduled appointment, please ask Ms. Kaltrina in the office at

Monday, March 9, 2015

The week in PREVIEW!

It will be a short but action packed week for the Grade 4s here in room 37 this week.

Special events include:

  • Wednesday, March 11, 7:30 - 10:10: Field trip to Sovanna Phum Shadow Puppet Theater at No. 166, St. 99
  • Wednesday, March 11, 3:00 - 5:15: YAPP T-Ball
Class Break Reminders

Also, please remember that there will be an early dismissal on Thursday, March 12, at 12:00 and no classes on Friday, March 13 or Monday, March 16. School will resume as normal on Tuesday, March 17.


In math this week, students are inquiring into ordering fractions, improper fractions, and mixed numbers with like and unlike denominators. Students will be practicing ordering fractions correctly using ideas they have been forming about fraction sizes when compared to a whole and concepts of fraction equivalencies. 

Understanding these concepts will give students more reasoning power when we move into adding and subtracting fractions next week, and multiplying fractions the week after. 

Unit of Inquiry / Language Arts

Students have continued to inquire into various ways in which artists express themselves and personal responses to the arts. As part of this inquiry, students have: 
  • completed and shared their final blind contour drawings of a classroom objects based still life;
  • made and analysed aesthetic choices while digitally enhancing photos using to achieve certain sought after and preconceived effects; 
  • and read, recited, and responded to poetry from many authors while creating a poetry anthology.

Homework for this Week

Our weekly homework will always be published in this section of our blog. To find it, search for homework, or click on the label in the list that says "Weekly Homework". Also, please check the IMPORTANT REMINDERS section of the homework every week, as it contains information about special events of each week.

"Purple Day" a Grape Success!!!

Here is everyone in their purple best for last Friday's ISPP Elementary Spirit Day!

Good thing there were no "One Eyed one Horned Flying Purple People Eaters" out and about!

Friday, March 6, 2015

Congratulations to our new ISPP Class Representative, Moto!

Last Wednesday, volunteering students presented speeches detailing why they would make good Grade 4 ISPP class representatives during the split for the Exhibition this year. The class was duly impressed by the arguments students carefully drafted and presented as to why they should represent the class, but ultimately Moto was chosen in a closely contested vote by secret ballot.

Congratulations Moto!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Please fill in the blanket permission slip for our Grade 4 How We Express Ourselves: Art Mirrors Life Unit and return to school by tomorrow!

This permission slip has been sent home with your child today:


Please sign and return this permission slip to school by tomorrow, Friday, February 27. If for some reason your child does not bring a slip home this evening, you can print out a slip from the following link.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Mr. Jon's Class Schedule During Grade 4/5 Split of 2015, Mr. Jon's Class Roster, and General Welcome!!!

Dear Grade 4 students of Mr. Jon's Split Class and parents/guardians,

Greetings to students old and new in Mr. Jon's class!

I look forward to working with all of you for the next 7 weeks of school as we work through a unit of inquiry titled: Art Mirrors Life

In case you have forgotten, here is our class roster for the following two months of school:

Olivia (Siweon)

Below you will see our weekly schedule during the next two months. Click on different blocks to get more detailed information about the classes scheduled at those times. Click on the print icon to print this schedule or get a clearer PDF version.

Please be aware of these specialist class days (that may have changed from your last class):

Mondays, Tuesdays: PE
Tuesdays: Art
Wednesdays: Music
Thursdays: Swimming, Library

Still having trouble viewing our schedule? Click here!

Happy 2015 International Mother Language Day!

Today, Saturday, February 21, 2015 is International Mother Language Day! Please take a moment today to help your child reflect on his or her own native language, the language he or she has spoken since birth (this can be English, too).

Perhaps it would be good to reflect on concepts and feelings that can be expressed in his/her mother language rather than a second language!

Thank you as well to Mr. Bashir Khan who came to speak with our class on Wednesday about this important holiday, the reason for it's being on February 21, and the Bangla language of Bangladesh.

For more information about International Mother Language Day, please check out this link.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Grade 5 Parents and Students are Invited to an Exhibition Information Evening on Tuesday, February 17, at 5:30 in the Media Center

Dear Grade 5 Students and Parents,

The Grade 5 Exhibition teachers would like to invite you to the Exhibition Information Meeting this Tuesday, February 17 at 5:30PM in the Media Center.

At this meeting, the Exhibition teachers will share important information regarding this year's Exhibition under the transdisciplinary theme of How We Express Ourselves.

Students and parents are both invited to this meeting, as some of the meeting will involved shared discussions.

Looking forward to seeing all of you,

The Exhibition Teaching Team
Ms. Melinda
Ms. Emily

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Homework and Oliver this Week!

Students involved in the Oliver production will have very light homework this week as many of their afternoons/evenings will be taken up with rehearsals and performances.

If your child is involved in the Oliver Production, all he/she must do is complete the math and reading sections of his/her homework sheet.

While on the subject, please make sure to get your tickets fast for this utterly fantastic production!

Friday, January 30, 2015

Northbridge Sports Day Permission Slip and Sign Up Form

Students of Room 37 (and your parents/guardians)!

I hope you are all having a fantastic weekend/week so far.

Mr. Ben asked me to remind all of you to sit with your parents and fill out the following form about the Northbridge Sports Day:

NISC Sports Day Form - permission and Entry Choices

If you have not filled out this form yet, please remember to sit with your parents and discuss what events you would like to do during sports day, and then fill out the form together.

Monday, January 26, 2015

The Grade 5 Barge Trip Post of 2015

Watch this growing post for information, pictures, and commentary by students and teachers regarding the Grade 5 
Barge Trip of 2015. 



We have arrived at Phnom Penh International Airport.

It will probably take about 30 minutes to get through immigration.


We are leaving bangkok at 5:50 (slightly late).

And after being in Bangkok traffic...  


On the bus to the airport, leaving the barge behind and taking away memories, new experiences, and new friends...

Question asked on the pier...are you the same person who got on this barge three days ago?


Students just finished playing a communication/cooperation game in which a group of students communicated by hand signals with one controller/student who then communicated directions verbally to a blindfolded/robot student in order to gather little cloth "bombs".

Students made these reflections upon finishing:

"I learned that it's not always good to work by yourself. It's better to work in a group."
- Zachary 

"We have to listen to each other and help each other when working in a group."
- Jessica 

"You shouldn't always do what you want. You have to think about what others think and work it out together."
- Chetra

Now they are having a slight history lesson about the migration of the Mon people to the island of Koh Kret and their pottery skills.

They are then going to explore the island analyzing what they see in terms of the "Compass of Sustainability" the cardinal points being: economy, nature, well being , and society.


And these are the fruits of their bargaining!


Very delicious!!!


Good morning Thailand!!!

Students gearing up to shop with environmentally friendly materials at Pathum Thani market! 




Absolutely busy day adrift and on land!


Our mooring...

Other posts from navigation groups and morning games before breakfast...

Soon to eat breakfast and then make bricks while the sun shines!


Navigation is guiding the driver and all this amazing stuff we got to do.

This is our measurements of what we found out.

As part of our job is to interview some of our staff.

Do you like what you do?

Ms. Stan said She likes it but it sometimes is tiring.

Ms. May said she likes it because it is a crazy job.

Ms. Kristy said there is something new every time and she got to meet lots of people.


Students helping each other across a "river of lava" with a limited number of resources - One of the nighttime activities on board the barge!

Discussing the importance of resources...


The cleaning team is sweeping and mopping. This is what they said when I asked them how they feel about their job: "I feel awesome about it!" and "The cleaning is a bit tiring and gross because your back hurts, but the whole Barge Trip is fun." and "it's tiring and gross" 
The cooking team is busy cooking dinner. This is what they think about their job: "The funnest [ more fun ] job!" And "Awesome and fun and I don't cook these things so it's fun making Thai foods" 
When I asked the games group if they liked their job or not and why, they said: " It was easy because we all agreed to things and yeah..." and "Umm.. it's perfect"
I asked the word group what they like and don't like about their job. They said: "It was fun because we get to interdoce new games. The Barge Trip is awesome!!" and "It's nice because you get to be creative and no one juges you"
The navigation said this when I asked them about if they like their job or not: "The thing I liked was that we got to sit on the wheel house" 

By Ellie, ISPP Press

Photo by Mr. Jon

Photo by Ling

"My day is going well because we went to the market and got goods"-Ling and Cham pei

"I enjoyed watching Jun and other people bargain with the sellers at the market "-Zachary

"I would love to come here every month because it's such an amazing experience "-Sonya

"I enjoyed learning about the Thai culture"-Chetra

"I enjoyed drinking hot chocolate"-Ellie

All students interviewed by Poppy, Associated Press.


Students, teachers, and staff in Ayuthaya at interactive museum after lunch and market episode. 

Earlier, visited Wat Phra Sri Sanphet, listened to and created stories based on imagining the Burmese invasion...


Students getting a quick Ayuthaya geography/history lesson before disembarking to explore the old city by foot!


Sample breakfast made by expert team of Michelin chefs...


Teacher notes: play "ghost" with students. A game that teaches the art of delicate walking...


This morning we woke up and got to have hot chocolate. Today we are going to go to the old Capitol ofThailand. The barge is really FUN!!!
- Ella SA




Lights out and all is well!

But this is what it looked like before...


3 minute showers and getting ready for bed.

Champa says, "Stargazing is the best of all."

Joshua says, "Showers are too short!"

Jun says, "The barge trip is awesome...really awesome."

Uha says, "It was fun. The food is delicious!"


Children observing the Chao Phraya and recording with notes, drawings, and conversations.

This after doing the wash up...under the discriminating eyes / tutelage of Miss May...


We are now barging into Thailand!!! Children learning routines and safety on the boat. 

Keep checking for daily/hourly updates!


We have arrived in Thailand and are en route to the barge. Bangkok weather is a bit muggier than Phnom Penh right now, but traffic is mercifully light. 


Currently we are in Pochentong Airport. Our flight has been delayed for 30 minutes or so.

Students are happily playing cards and chatting in the busy airport.