

Monday, August 18, 2014

Mathematics in Grade 4/5

The mathematical process in Grade 4/5 includes developing skills of problem solving, expanding logic and reasoning powers, and communicating mathematical ideas. These sills are learned and assessed within 5 strands.

Through development of skills and knowledge in the following strands students will be able to...


Encode and decode numbers to millions and beyond; identify place value to a minimum of 6 digit numbers and extend the use of our number system to the tenths place and beyond; understand the relationship between the four operations, for positive and negative integers, fractions and decimals; consolidate and recall basic facts to create and solve problems using more than one operation;


Measure accurately using standard metric units of volume, mass, length and time; be able to measure area, perimeter and angles;

Shape and Space

Describe, classify and model 2D and 3D shapes and understand words to describe parts of the shapes; use vocabulary of angle types and special triangles and quadrilaterals;

Data Handling

Design a survey, process data and interpret results using mathematical language; use bar, circle and line graphs; understand and use median, mean and mode; express probability on a scale from 0% to 100%;

Pattern and Function

Identify and describe features of patterns as generalised rules and functions; and apply multiplication and division as inverse operations.

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